Covid Apartheid

...+ -heid (equivalent of -hood)”: apart-hood. The word itself doesn’t make any reference to race, it just happened it arose in South Africa, and by its use there, unqualified, it...

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Putting Covid–19 in Perspective

...during the Covid-19 Pandemic" dearieme @Tom: when I was a lad every child seemed to be given cod liver oil in winter. Presumably that kept our VitD level up....

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Hot Stiff Bias Cools Off

...well be complications arising from covid - organ/system failure (including lung/respiratory failure, including ARDS), septic shock, whatever. This rather confusing table from a study in a specialist unit gives a...

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Hot Stuff Bias and Diagnostic Drift

...models' and so on... John B ‘ ...really disappeared, or rather prevented, by anti-covid measures, which worked to reduce all contagious respiratory deaths.’ If anti-CoVid measures worked on other respiratory...

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Going With the Flow Tests

Annie Davenport Turner Absolutely, and very well spelled out, Dr No, thank you. It's why this man is going for the jugular in this testdemic and more. Tom Welsh...

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Apples Cores and Z–Scores

...because of the way estimates are done - in essence, take the last census, add subsequent births, subtract subsequent deaths and add/subtract net migration - and so they are always...

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The Holy Grail

...on the arse. They don't know what questions to put to their advisers & very clearly have no idea about weighing up - or interrogating - the answers. Sir Humphrey...

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