Ode to the Death Certificate

...out his workings very clearly: https://www.thelibertybeacon.com/shocker-new-official-data-exposes-uk-lockdown-lies/ dr-no Tish - Dr Butina's heart is in the right place, but he didn't do the sums quite right, he mixes up rates and...

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2020 Tin Foil Hats

...designed to keep an invisible peril at bay, and although neither has one jot of direct evidence that they work, wearers of both can point to studies done in physics...

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The Flea Is Airborne

...for several hours, meaning that one might enter a "contaminated room", empty of people, completely unaware that aerosol particles are present. https://www.theblaze.com/op-ed/horowitz-why-masks-dont-work-in-the-real-world?utm_source=theblaze-breaking&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=20210420Trending-HorowitzMasks&utm_term=ACTIVE%20LIST%20-%20TheBlaze%20Breaking%20News dr-no Denis - good link. For those who...

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...never goes to plan - they never learn. The official statistics always show the plan worked, but as we say in the North, they’re just working themselves, and reality is...

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Whackamolean Epidemiology

...words, until one day all speeches come to be the cacophony of a multitude of workmen beating a devil’s tattoos with their hammers as they demolish the stony guardians of...

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Roll Over Bolam

...doesn't think he is being too extreme when he suggests that the emergence of a superior vaccinated class and so by definition an inferior unvaccinated subclass - the 'refuseniks' -...

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