Darzi Tests

...compactly) explained! The trouble with arguments of this kind is that they involve that frightening substance, which politicians and the broad masses avoid like the plague (so to speak): mathematics....

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The Holy Grail

...on the arse. They don't know what questions to put to their advisers & very clearly have no idea about weighing up - or interrogating - the answers. Sir Humphrey...

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No More Saviours

...it's pretty clear that we are being herded towards vaccine passports in order to travel - in other words, compulsory injections for practical purposes. I do not want to be...

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...freedom of choice, or human rights. Their ideal world would be one in which they alone have freedom and respect. The rest of us would be wholly controlled in everything...

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The Data Delusion

...lot. Ghastly or not, agency is something I refuse to relinquish.) dr-no Tom - thanks, a very cogent example. Annie - thanks. Perhaps 'agency' is tarnished for me by its...

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