A Marriage Made in Hell

...no one has ever managed to hypnotise me says something good! How about anyone else here?) https://hugotalks.com/2021/07/17/hypnotist-reveals-government-brainwashing-tactics-hugo-talks-lockdown/ dearieme https://blogs.bmj.com/bmj/2021/07/05/time-to-assume-that-health-research-is-fraudulent-until-proved-otherwise/ dr-no dearieme - a good starting point, in more ways than...

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Covid and Coercive Healthism

...Framework. According to this website:- https://www.health-ni.gov.uk/articles/about-quality-and-outcomes-framework-qof "The Quality and Outcomes Framework (QOF) is a system designed to remunerate general practices for providing good quality care to their patients, and to...

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Twitter Itch

...up by twitter — by tweet (see chart) since Dr No re-started posting and tweeting  in late March 2020 have over the for the last five tweets flat-lined below 100,...

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The Emperor’s New Science

...this passage from Malcolm comes readily to my search button: "Between these two, main, completely incompatible positions, lies the truth. It is in pretty poor shape. It has been crushed,...

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Surveillance Capitalism

...there are significant  unanswered conduct, consent and compulsion questions, the epidemiologist (lower case e) in Dr No can see the attraction, but the Individual (upper case I) in Dr No...

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