These Three

...from compulsory crash helmets (passive intervention) through compulsory seatbelts (also passive) to compulsory vaccination (active and invasive, and so fundamentally different). It's one of the oldest arguments in the book,...

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Putting Covid–19 in Perspective

...during the Covid-19 Pandemic" dearieme @Tom: when I was a lad every child seemed to be given cod liver oil in winter. Presumably that kept our VitD level up....

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Police State England 2020 this government over CV-19 - dr-no John - thanks for adding the link here, and it's in perfectly good time - this isn't the twitterspere! Historically, Dr No...

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...100 tests cannot be relied upon. Also worth noting if Fig 1.3 was 'conclusive', it (or it's implications) would surely get a mention in the conclusions. Neither gets mentioned, though...

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The Empire of Covid Passport Tsar

...illustration: Re vaccine passports: I've seen video clips of rude mechanicals singing "You can shove your vaccine passport up your arse". Vulgar but pertinent. Some say it's all been...

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Early Assessment of 2020 Mortality

...we lurch closer to compulsory ‘vaccination’ and associated passports" should perhaps be "As we lurch closer to 'compulsory' vaccination and associated passports". The vaccination will be real, but the compulsion...

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