The Ghosts of Advisors Past

Professor Lockdown, Legover, Pantsdown, call him what you will, may have stepped down as a government adviser (Professor Stepdown), or even been fired (Professor Crackdown) and ordered to keep a...

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Comfortably Numb

...good answer. But cease they always have done, and for much of our history they have done so without masks, or lockdowns, or vaccines...or herd immunity. dr-no Misa - all...

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The Enemy Within farmers, counter-revolutionaries, bad influencers and rightists are terms that could be (mis)applied to various groups today. The MSM talks about 'the far right', 'anti-vaxxers', 'lockdown & mask sceptics', 'farmers/fishermen'...

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Winter Waves

...other winters. However what the figures don't, and cannot do is counter the argument that lockdown restrictions have been required to achieve this semblance of normality. Lockdown may have been...

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Whackamolean Epidemiology

Listening to the Prime Minister’s speeches on the radio, one hears irregular thuds in the background, as if a workman in a distant room was testing the heft of a...

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The Data Delusion

One of the most exciting and at the same time frightening developments of recent years has been our ability to collect and analyse vast amounts of data. Something of the...

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Obvs Innit

...later would affect just about everyone's behaviour, in much the same way that lockdown rules and mask mandates have done. Nonetheless, it is worth perhaps quoting Powell briefly, talking here...

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