Mask Wars

...worth mentioning: the Edinburgh mask study. The press release ( title clains 'Face coverings can reduce Covid-19 transmission risk' - note the can rather than do - but lower down...

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No More Saviours's pretty clear that we are being herded towards vaccine passports in order to travel - in other words, compulsory injections for practical purposes. I do not want to be...

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Early Assessment of 2020 Mortality

...we lurch closer to compulsory ‘vaccination’ and associated passports" should perhaps be "As we lurch closer to 'compulsory' vaccination and associated passports". The vaccination will be real, but the compulsion...

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Play Time Like Prison Camp

...have prevented 7.2 million infections and 27,000 deaths. Given that the government appears to ignore both existent or recovered T-cell immunity which must be now considerable within the community,...

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The Covid Delusion

...policies --- and one that allows you to explain ‘this is just temporary – once this is gone --- we will get back to normal’ A pandemic is the perfect...

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Winter Waves

...anything; and that was a rushed replacement for an earlier completely different phrasing that didn't work. Dr No will try harder in future. Bill - good point, the move from...

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The Emperor’s New Science

...risk is that the worker will infect those who they come into contact. The GMC already has it that doctors 'should be immunised against common serious communicable diseases (unless otherwise...

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