Where Are We Now

...you jump!’, but really it almost works better without a caption, because it is the expression on the faces, and the fist about to thump the table, that tell the...

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Covid and Coercive Healthism

...Framework. According to this website:- https://www.health-ni.gov.uk/articles/about-quality-and-outcomes-framework-qof "The Quality and Outcomes Framework (QOF) is a system designed to remunerate general practices for providing good quality care to their patients, and to...

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Dr Munchausen

...to remember when not just the Observer, but - what an extraordinary thought - even the Sunday Times was reputable. And of course it was the Observer that published Clive...

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Montezuma’s Revenge

...running half the world (Arden, Macron, etc, and every pharmaceutical and agrichem company, let alone all the tech companies... dr-no Carol - your observations on the apparent contradiction in government...

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Covid Vaccine Mortality

...patients. This question - different underlying risk - is very pertinent to the business of comparing SMRs between different vaccine status groups. We have to ask: is there any reason...

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