Utterly Chilling

...for the 'sceptical' community. https://www.nakedcapitalism.com/2022/01/remember-that-the-tories-are-only-getting-rid-of-johnson-to-make-things-worse.html dearieme Here's a good link to add to “Bedwetters in retreat”. https://www.revolver.news/2022/01/can-biden-reprogram-covid-hyptonized-npc-base/ John Bowman. When the facts change, I change my mind. Or… When the...

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Covid Apartheid

...for the untouchables are just round the corner. Paul Whitburn I was bought a ticket for the Edgbaston test and had to turn it down for that very reason. https://www.gulag2020.com/post/pilot-events-a-step-towards-freedom-or-a-tightening-of-the-noose...

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No More Saviours

...Today it looks archaic and perhaps even absurd. But that may simply be a measure of how provincial one is. Tom Welsh This short video may be of interest. https://21stcenturywire.com/2021/03/07/dr-scott-jensen-who-confirm-weve-all-been-played-on-covid-19/...

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Putting Covid–19 in Perspective

...during the Covid-19 Pandemic" http://www.drdavidgrimes.com/2020/11/covid-19-vitamin-d-deaths-of-doctors.html?m=1 dearieme @Tom: when I was a lad every child seemed to be given cod liver oil in winter. Presumably that kept our VitD level up....

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The Cavalry Narrative

...us to live in it. But it's really not so. (...) The truth has been masked; the body is actually remarkable, extraordinary, incredible, and certainly wonder-full.‘ I was thought deluded...

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...anyone wanted to. Tom Welsh About a century ago, H.L. Mencken summed it up beautifully. "Puritanism: The haunting fear that someone, somewhere, may be happy". Tom Welsh "Alcohol related" is...

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Comfortably Numb

...neighbour’s goods. Self-reliance, self-respect, self-discipline, self-responsibility, self-sustaining… forget it. It started in 1945. Hard to see how to re-educate a brainwashed generation, bringing up their children likewise. Tom+Welsh Everywhere I...

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The Emperor’s New Science

...a medical procedure against our will." [Source: https://lockdownsceptics.org/2021/02/26/latest-news-297/#a-gp-protests-no-jab-no-job] What is clear to me this morning is that these two 'publicity' events (threaten then encourage) were expertly co-ordinated by the 'nudge'...

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