Prudence and Precaution Link (the relevant bit is right at the end, about 51:40): Interestingly, this does not appear in goole/youtube searches - censored? I had to use to find...

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The Enemy Within

...entier... C'est notre vrai ennemi collectif. Ce n'est plus le virus, parce que le virus, on peut le combattre, c'est l'influence des anti-vax" dearieme I seek your help, doc....

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Macavity The Mystery Virus tyrant. Full piece here makes interesting reading. Tom Welsh While listening to an interview with Dr Wolfgang Wodarg it suddenly occurred to me: what if, as Dr...

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The Snakes and Ladders of Vaccine Numbers

... “COVID-19 RNA Based Vaccines and the Risk of Prion Disease” At the risk of trying your patience, I think the following is also highly relevant. “I think one...

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Lies Damned Lies and the FT

... If we adopted the same approach to covid death data, the overall picture would be completely different (and if we didn't lockdown, there would be significantly less excess death...

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...were significantly younger, then we would expect lower mortality. But then again that might be offset by high BAME population, high deprivation, associated co-morbidities etc. It is a complex matter....

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