The Ghosts of Advisors Past

Professor Lockdown, Legover, Pantsdown, call him what you will, may have stepped down as a government adviser (Professor Stepdown), or even been fired (Professor Crackdown) and ordered to keep a...

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Utterly Chilling

...for the 'sceptical' community. dearieme Here's a good link to add to “Bedwetters in retreat”. John Bowman. When the facts change, I change my mind. Or… When the...

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Apples and Oranges

...cardiac/thromboembolic deaths that occur at home or whether it may be influenced by the quality of GP coding. Perhaps you can figure it out? This paper does suggest that...

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Is NHS Implosion by Covid a Myth?

...from the government’s pandemic modelling group SPI-M for the coming winter, with [enter your own choice of a large number here] deaths possible unless radical measures are taken immediately. Headlines...

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More or Less Getting It Wrong link to? dearieme Ya got me bang to rights, doc. Less musical but more Covidical: Helen McArdle On the same subject, did you see this? (links to...

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