A Put Down for The Lockdown

...in Norwegian by Norway’s official Public Health Institute. Alas, the Folkehelseinstituttet report spoken backwards doesn’t come out as English, but on another level it is ‘English spoken backwards’, insofar as...

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Situation Still Normal

...colours correct' checks. The red cells for the specials Papworth and Moorfields are either wrong (Papworth, out of beds occupied nonetheless somehow but meaninglessly evaluates to 100% occupancy and so...

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Going With the Flow Tests

Annie Davenport Turner Absolutely, and very well spelled out, Dr No, thank you. It's why this man is going for the jugular in this testdemic and more. https://podcasts.podinstall.com/delingpole-delingpod-james-delingpole-podcast/202105240428-dr-reiner-fuellmich.html Tom Welsh...

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The Granny Ultimatum

...almost half the UK population - odd to be so roundly precise at such a large number. dr-no James - have since come across this (Dr Clare Craig is OK)...

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Sample Page

This is an example page. It’s different from a blog post because it will stay in one place and will show up in your site navigation (in most themes). Most...

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Murder By Decree

...cryptically named data files. The trail starts with referencetable10052021114704.xlsx, which was recently uncovered and dissected by the excellent John Dee, and which can still be downloaded from ONS’s own website...

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