The Holy Grail

...and Yeadon petition to the European Medicines Agency? Article here with link to petition: Also of note the Public Health England October publication, quote on page 6: "RT-PCR detects...

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More Trouble with Antibody Tests

...diagnostic or screening test, using screening for covid-19 antibodies as an example. As always, complex formulae and other numerological devices will be avoided in favour of plain words and simple...

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Going With the Flow Tests

Annie Davenport Turner Absolutely, and very well spelled out, Dr No, thank you. It's why this man is going for the jugular in this testdemic and more. Tom Welsh...

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Taking Stock of Covid–19 Testing download to the English translation of Profs Reiss and Bhakdi's 'Corona: False Alarm?' at Tom Welsh The current regime of Covid-19 testing, along with almost everything else that...

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Lies Damned Lies and the FT

... If we adopted the same approach to covid death data, the overall picture would be completely different (and if we didn't lockdown, there would be significantly less excess death...

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The Road to Passport Hell

... Tish Farrell Annie's comment about why haven't we all died yet is pertinent. For ages it's been bugging me that all along the Government has reacted as if there...

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Prudence and Precaution Link (the relevant bit is right at the end, about 51:40): Interestingly, this does not appear in goole/youtube searches - censored? I had to use to find...

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The Needle and the Damage Done

...conclusion - the myocarditis and whatnot in young athletes may indeed also be shared by the rest of us. He refers to this paper which has been disappeared.

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The Bears of Little Brains

Helen McArdle Whilst it is reassuring to know that faces have now been scientifically proven to be quite useful (though not essential, see discussion): and there might be some...

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