Humans Are Biohazards

The title of this post is part of a quote from the CEO of a high tech company, thrilled by the opportunities covid–19 will provide for companies like hers to...

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A Sage Moment

...whole basis for the government's response to covid is compromised. As dearieme puts it so well, SAGE lies, the nation dies. Yet the extraordinary - or perhaps it isn't extraordinary...

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The Alibi of Tyrants

...walk though an already open door. The ancillaries of totalitarianism — the eradication of free thought and spontaneity to be replaced by the normalisation of uncritical uniformity, the apparatuses of...

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The Cavalry Narrative

...the first step; and once it has been made plain for all to see, sure enough someone will come up with a solution in due course. Annie Davenport Turner Absolutely...

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