Not Caring and Not Sharing

...sense of confidence over the availability of covid–19 data, by the widespread online publication of data. Crucially, he made the naive assumption that, if data was existed, then it would...

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...breed like fleas, even though I’m glad to have them, rather than the standard full-stop of the many. dr-no Annie - Indeed, it's a shambolathon, as Siobhan Sharpe might say....

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Twitter Itch tweets 1 to 28 (481), and tweets 29 to 33 (78). Goldfinger’s Rule — happenstance (tweet 29), coincidence (tweet 30), enemy action (tweet 31, and for that matter tweets...

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Where Are We Now

...article! I wish I had written it myself. ("You will, Oscar, you will"). I laughed out loud at the brownshirt analogy, which perfectly crystallises my view of the matter. And...

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Zero Progress to Net Zero

...Dr Judith Curry's blog: Given that drastic and costly, and for many, unaffordable energy systems may well be forced on humanity, you'd think/hope/plead that the mainstream media might just...

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The Flea Is Airborne

...for several hours, meaning that one might enter a "contaminated room", empty of people, completely unaware that aerosol particles are present. dr-no Denis - good link. For those who...

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