Play Time Like Prison Camp

...have prevented 7.2 million infections and 27,000 deaths. Given that the government appears to ignore both existent or recovered T-cell immunity which must be now considerable within the community,...

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Yellow Cards, Red Face or Green Light?

... One problem with the unfiltered Yellow Card system is it contains a mix of symptoms, signs and diagnoses. Some of the symptoms are hopefully lay reports eg eyelid thickening,...

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These Three

...from compulsory crash helmets (passive intervention) through compulsory seatbelts (also passive) to compulsory vaccination (active and invasive, and so fundamentally different). It's one of the oldest arguments in the book,...

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Apples Cores and Z–Scores

...when being admitted to hospital or treated there (for whatever). John B Emperor of Maladies indeed. CoVid deaths have outstripped deaths from the top six maladies, which coincidentally are...

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The Needle and the Damage Done

...conclusion - the myocarditis and whatnot in young athletes may indeed also be shared by the rest of us. He refers to this paper which has been disappeared.

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