Covid Is Not the Problem no plan B to prevent the non-Covid deaths. dr-no Thank you all for your valuable comments. Tom - " lapsing into otiose hebetude and pandiculation" - you have conclusively...

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Obvs Innit

...- an increasing density of road use by domestic cars and freight that probably increased the risk of accident per kilometre travelled. dr-no Hippocentaurus - thanks for your comment and...

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Utterly Chilling

...for the 'sceptical' community. dearieme Here's a good link to add to “Bedwetters in retreat”. John Bowman. When the facts change, I change my mind. Or… When the...

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Naturality and Familiarity

...your topic that may interest you : (Un)witting Servitude and Minds Manipulation Changing as an insider is almost impossible or insignifiant, depressing and a burnout driver. Act...

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