The Ghosts of Advisors Past

Professor Lockdown, Legover, Pantsdown, call him what you will, may have stepped down as a government adviser (Professor Stepdown), or even been fired (Professor Crackdown) and ordered to keep a...

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Bad Karma Government

...with commercial breaks avoids confinement in an East End convent, and instead sets itself in the bright colours and bustle of an Indian cottage hospital with ideas above its station....

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The Data Delusion

...'no individualism' also extends to scientists who dare to question the Establishment - a shameful dereliction of the spirit of scientific enquiry. dearieme - well, dearieme! Maybe Google Translate will...

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Comfortably Numb

...homogenised, sanitised existence is completely incongruous with human nature, which ain’t for me! See Ned Beatty’s excellent monologue in the film Network (1976) — prophetic of the times we’re in....

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I Tried It My Way

...charge of the massacre of the NHS. Ed P AP: Massacre BY the NHS perhaps? I believe he keeps a small onion is his pocket, for when a display...

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