On the First Day of Christmas

Never mind the Pfizer fazer, it’s Advent, and time to think about Christmas! The rules aren’t exactly easy to make out, though. After a couple of days with a cold towel round his head, Dr No thinks he has finally cracked Boris Johnson’s Christmas rules recipe.
On the first day of Christmas my neighbour came to me My bubble in a pear tree On the second day of Christmas my cousin came to me Two joined homes, and My bubble in a pear tree On the third day of Christmas my daughter came to me Three Boyfriends too Two joined homes, and My bubble in a pear tree On the fourth day of Christmas a few mates came to me Four buddies best Three Boyfriends too Two joined homes, and My bubble in a pear tree On the fifth day of Christmas the vicar sent to me Five old biddies Four buddies best Three Boyfriends too Two joined homes, and My bubble in a pear tree On the sixth day of Christmas a bobby sent to me Six hand-cuff pairs Five stinking fines Four cautions stiff Three summonses Two boys in blue, and A squad car in a pear tree
Brilliant! Thanks a lot for cheering us up.