Macavity The Mystery Virus tyrant. Full piece here makes interesting reading. Tom Welsh While listening to an interview with Dr Wolfgang Wodarg it suddenly occurred to me: what if, as Dr...

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Montezuma’s Revenge

...running half the world (Arden, Macron, etc, and every pharmaceutical and agrichem company, let alone all the tech companies... dr-no Carol - your observations on the apparent contradiction in government...

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The Covid Delusion

...says US has passed peak oil | Financial Times The Grim Reaper For the truly curious, this is the most important research paper you will ever read. Someone needs...

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Apples and Oranges

...cardiac/thromboembolic deaths that occur at home or whether it may be influenced by the quality of GP coding. Perhaps you can figure it out? This paper does suggest that...

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Dr Munchausen

...for example (I could cite hundreds of others) dearieme The civil servants who make a living censoring, disguising, and generally fiddling the govt's statistics must curse their career choices....

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Schrödinger’s Virus

...carried out at a hotel in Whitechapel where volunteers are being subjected to a Covid 19 human challenge study. It would be very interesting to know exactly what Covid...

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The Summer of Excess Death

...the stuff is so wonderful, why all the secrecy and blatant denial around its possible presence in the gloop under discussion here... Yes, great articles on the UK Column...

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